Top 10 SEO Experts to Follow On Social Media

Top 10 SEO Experts to Follow On Social Media

What’s the best way to learn about SEO or anything for that matter? From the pros, of course. Seeking knowledge from accomplished SEO specialists armed with years of hands-on experience can help you master it. Luckily, in today’s digital era, there is an abundance of free educational resources right at your fingertips – if you know where to look. And clicking that “follow” button on social media is an excellent place to start.

There are savvy SEOs out there who have spent their careers mastering the complexity of search engines, then choosing to generously shower us with their acquired wisdom. By keeping up with them on social media, you can take advantage of the key lessons SEO veterans learned the hard way (so you won’t have to) and pick up some insider tips and tricks of the trade from some of the brightest minds in the industry.

To help you tune in, we’ve curated a hand-picked list of the top 10 SEO experts to follow on social media to ensure you always keep up with the emerging SEO trends and ever-changing SEO best practices and, ultimately, become the master of your craft.

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Scroll down. Click “follow.” Enter top-notch SEO.

Take Your SEO to the Next Level: Learn from the Best

Take Your SEO to the Next Level Learn from the Best

Before you ask – no, this is not just another sneaky marketing trick of a self-proclaimed SEO whizz to get his name next to famous industry experts to look like an SEO big-shot. We’re here to ensure that you’re getting nothing but the most accurate, fresh, and useful SEO insights available. Pinky promise!

SEO is competitive and fast-paced – you can quickly get left behind if you don’t keep up, as search engines keep throwing algorithm curveballs our way on what feels like a daily basis. To stay ahead of the curve and in the SEO game, you need to stay on top of the ever-emerging SEO trends. And whether it’s Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook, social media makes it easy to keep up.

That’s why only reputable SEO specialists that have proven their expertise by actively keeping a finger on the pulse of the ever-evolving SEO world for years and engaging on their social media accounts have (rightfully!) earned their spot on our top list. We also explain why each of them is worth following (and where), so you can pick your SEO guru depending on what you want to focus your attention on.

May the best person win your heart! Or shall we say, “follow”?



Top 10 SEO Experts Worth Following On Social Media

Top 10 SEO Experts Worth Following On Social Media

Imagine a seasoned SEO expert who does all the heavy lifting – discovers, tests, and chews the latest SEO concepts and information, then spits it out for you as actionable tips you can simply follow to get tangible results for free. Sounds too good to be true? No need to pinch yourself because it actually is.

Turns out the nature of the SEO community is very kind and giving, and as such, many savvy SEOs are willing to share the useful insights, tactics, strategies, and tips they’ve gathered with the world to help their fellow SEO comrades climb the SEO ladder and make it in the competitive digital world. Following SEO experts on social media is an easy way to get the latest news, advice, and trends in the SEO industry.

So, why not learn from the best in the business? Whether you’re just starting out as an SEO professional or are a seasoned pro, it’s always a good idea to keep an eye on what the industry leaders are up to. After all, it’s completely free – all you have to do is click that little button that’s calling your name.

Find your SEO guru on the list below (in no particular order) and hit that “follow” button to make sure you don’t miss out on the latest SEO scoop:

1. Rand Fishkin

Rand Fishkin

The co-founder and former CEO of MOZ – the esteemed SEO tool, and the founder and CEO of SparkToro, an audience research software, Rand Fishkin has dedicated his professional life to helping people do better marketing through his writing, videos, and public speaking.

His emphasis on helping businesses highlights Rand’s enthusiasm for the industry, and with over 20 years of experience in the niche, the so-called “Wizard of Moz” should definitely be among your “following” list. When Rand’s not working, he’s usually cooking a fancy meal for his wife. We heard that if you bribe him with great pasta or fancy cocktails, he might just pull back the curtain on big tech’s dark secrets!

You can follow this tech entrepreneur, blogger, and leader in the field of search engine optimization on Twitter and LinkedIn or like his Facebook page to learn more about marketing, SEO, and startups.

2. Neil Patel

Neil Patel

If you want to learn the ropes of digital marketing, the famous entrepreneur, SEO expert, influencer, and investor Neil Patel is a must-follow SEO guru. The founder of Hello Bar, Crazy Egg, Quick Sprout, and KISSmetrics was recognized as a top influencer on the web by The Wall Street Journal – his name has probably popped up in any SEO or digital marketing research you’ve done. After all, he’s one of the go-to guys for the ins and outs of SEO.

Neil shares easy-to-follow guides and insights and plenty of shareable materials such as worksheets, templates, and cheat sheets, ideal for people who recently started delving into digital marketing and SEO. Even savvy SEOs can learn a thing or two and stay on top of industry news by following Neil on Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook.

3. Danny Sullivan

Danny Sullivan

Who better to turn to for some incredible insights into SEO than the founding editor of Search Engine Land, Marketing Land, and Google’s public search liaison himself! As a renowned SEO veteran and influencer, Sullivan worked on what SEO is today since the 90s – long before Google even existed.

Join “the Godfather of SEO’s” half a million followers on Twitter, or keep up with his work on Facebook or LinkedIn to stay in the know about the latest Google rollouts and cutting-edge technology.

4. Brian Dean

Brian Dean

The man behind Backlinko and a reputable SEO expert known for thinking outside the box, Brian specializes in providing unique and practical white hat link-building tactics and SEO strategies you can use to get more search engine traffic and grow your online business. Touted as an “SEO genius” by and a “brilliant entrepreneur ” by Inc Magazine, he is one of the world’s most sought-after SEO experts, eager to spill some insider beans.

A firm believer in quality over quantity and the art of combining link building, user experience, and content promotion into top-notch SEO, Brian has some of the best content in the industry. No fluff or “high-level” advice – just actionable tips that work. So, make sure you follow him on Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook for innovative, fresh, and one-of-a-kind SEO and backlink solutions.

5. Matt Cutts

Matt Cutts

To stay in the loop with the latest SEO news and trends, you should definitely keep up with Matt Cutts – the administrator at United States Digital Service and the former head of Google’s Webspam Team, known for his useful SEO tips and tricks. He is considered one of the most influential SEO celebs, and for a good reason – his fresh SEO tips are some of the best pieces of advice you’ll get.

Is there a better insider SEO source than the person that used to lead the team responsible for the changes to Google SERPs? Follow Matt on Twitter and LinkedIn, where he often announces Google search engine updates and shares intriguing new developments in technology in general.

6. Matt Diggity

Matt Diggity

SEO influencer, conference keynote speaker, blogger… that actually nails SEO too. Another Matt in the SEO game, Diggity has a very active social media following and is one of the generous digital marketing experts and influencers who share their bulletproof SEO strategies on his blog and social media to help take the guesswork out of search engine optimization.

As the founder of Search Initiative, Diggity Marketing, Affiliate Builders, Leadspring LLC, and The Affiliate Lab – one of the best affiliate marketing courses featured in The New York Post and “Top SEO blogs to Follow” by Ahrefs, there’s no doubt following Matt on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn is a wise decision.

7. Vanessa Fox

Vanessa Fox

The CEO of Keylime Toolbox, known for contributing to creating Google’s Webmaster Central, Vanessa loves writing and speaking to help companies with online strategy and audience engagement. She was instrumental in the alliance of Google, Yahoo!, and Microsoft Live Search (now Bing) and has served as an advisor for several startups.

Fox is also the author of Marketing in the Age of Google – a must-read-to-survive business book of the 21st century’s competitive digital era. She has traveled the globe discussing the evolution of how we search for and consume information and keeps us posted about the search engine industry, searcher behavior, and technical site architecture on social media. Follow her on LinkedIn and Twitter, and prepare to take notes!

8. Barry Schwartz

Barry Schwartz

The CEO of RustyBrick, an SEO and SEM whizz, Barry Schwartz, is one of the most prominent SEO experts in the world you should definitely follow on Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook to learn about the latest SEO news and Google updates. The popular SEO blog Search Engine Roundtable is his brainchild, where he dishes hot SEO chatter and also writes detailed articles for Search Engine Land and Marketing Land.

With over 17 years of experience in search, he provides advisory for Google, Yahoo! Search, Microsoft’s Bing, and many other companies and also speaks at and coordinates an array of search marketing and technology conferences. He also spills some tea on social media, so better tune in!

9. Aleyda Solis

Aleyda Solis

A Queen of SEO, Aleyda Solis is an award-winning international SEO consultant and the founder of Orianti. She is also a blogger, author, and international speaker ready to share her SEO prowess with the world and help startups worldwide increase their organic search that has earned her a spot in some of the best-known industry events around the world, such as INBOUND, SMX, Pubcon, Mozcon, SearchLove and BrightonSEO.

Included in Hubspot’s 59 Female Marketing and Growth Experts You Should be Following, Aleyda has also been interviewed in publications such as The Huffington Post and in Google Partners Podcast. You can keep up with her work on Twitter and LinkedIn, where she mostly talks about SEO, SEO FOMO, and remote work.

10. Brian Clark

Brian Clark

A serial digital entrepreneur and the founder of pioneering content marketing website Copyblogger touted as the “Bible of content marketing,” Clark is one of the innovators in the SEO era – you could say Brian used the term content marketing before the rest of us even understood what it is. His dedicated service to his audience has been the catalyst for the multimillion-dollar tools, training, and service company Brian headed up as CEO.

His level of success, plus his early adoption of online content to fuel startup companies, makes Brian a recognized pioneer of the now $44 billion content marketing industry forth. You can find some of the best SEO strategies for freelancers and entrepreneurs on his Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

Honorable Mentions

Our list of amazing SEO experts to follow on social media could go on forever. So, here are some other reputable digital marketers, content marketers, business owners, savvy technical SEO experts, and social media power influencers that can help you step up your SEO game and are worth stalking online:

  • Marie Haynes
  • Dave Davies
  • Rusty Brick
  • Jeff Bulas
  • Joe Pulizzi
  • Ann Smarty
  • Brian Solis
  • Aaron Wall and others.

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Keep Up with SEO Influencers: Follow Your Way to the Top

The sharpest tools in the SEO shed. The brightest of the digital bunch. Call them what you like, but these thought leaders are in it to win it! In a world bursting with data and information overload, it’s vital to stay in touch with the best minds in the industry and look up to them for guidance to see what’s happening in the digital field at the forefront.

Follow on LinkedIn

Following these top SEO experts on social media can be a game changer that helps you keep your SEO fresh and effective. Not only do they dish out the latest SEO scoop and offer valuable SEO tips that can take your SEO to the next level and launch you to the top of SERPs, but they can also encourage, entertain and help you become a savvy SEO in the process. And, who knows – maybe someday you’ll turn up on a similar list!

Don’t miss out!



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